Making the decision to book your FREE, no obligation hearing assessment at HearingLife Canada is the first step to better hearing. At your first appointment, you will be asked some questions about your hearing difficulties and health history in general. Your hearing professional will then examine your ears with an otoscope and complete a variety of hearing tests using a sound-proof booth. These procedures are not invasive or painful.

When your assessment is complete, your hearing professional will share the results with you and make appropriate recommendations for treatment, if necessary. If hearing aids are recommended, your hearing professional will discuss the various styles and present the most suitable options for you based on the results of your hearing assessment, communication needs and budget.

If you decide to purchase hearing aids, some styles can be fit the same day, whereas other styles may require a follow-up appointment in about a week to be custom-fit in your ear. Then you will be provided instructions about how to wear and care for your hearing aids, as well as the necessary counseling and education to ensure that you get the most out of your investment.

Throughout your 90 day return or exchange period, your hearing professional will schedule follow-up assessments to determine how you are progressing with your new hearing aids. Your hearing aids also come with our exclusive Don't Worry, Be Happy Guarantee™ which includes 3 years of batteries, follow-up assessments, cleanings and adjustments.